Archiving an eBook or moving the book to your NOOK Cloud is a useful way to clear storage space on your NOOK Device. When you archive an eBook, the book is removed from your device, but still saved in your NOOK Account for you to download again later to read again.
Archive/Move to Cloud can also be used to troubleshoot any potential content errors in your eBook file by downloading the most recent file version.
Click on your device below for the steps to Archive or Move to Cloud specific to your NOOK.
NOOK GlowLight 4, 4e, and 4 Plus
Move to Cloud/Download
NOOK for iOS
NOOK for Android
All NOOK Samsung Devices
NOOK GlowLight Plus
NOOK Tablet 7', NOOK Tablet 10.1", & Lenovo NOOK HD 10"