As of June 29th, 2018, all internet connected devices were upgraded to new security standards, known as Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS Versions below 1.2 were phased out, and devices accessing the Internet that are not updated to utilize the required TLS Version will not be able to perform many functions related to Internet connectivity.
If your NOOK Device is not updated to meet these new TLS security standards, you will not be able to make any purchases, or download and manage your NOOK Content from your NOOK Device.
Common errors associated with old NOOK Software Versions:
-- "We’re having trouble with your connection. Please try again or check Wi-Fi Settings and make sure you are connected to a working access point. For help, visit"
-- “To access Shop you must enable Wi-Fi and have an Internet connection.”
-- Having trouble connecting to the NOOK Shop
The following NOOK Devices will require a software update for TLS compliance. If your device is on this list, and the Software Version is lower than listed, please read ahead for instructions on how to update.
Android Tablets & Phones not included in list below will require Android OS 4.4.2 or higher and the latest version of the NOOK app from the Google Play Store.
- Samsung NOOK Devices: App Update (Click Here)
- NOOK GlowLight Plus:
Unsupported Devices
- NOOK First Edition: Not Supported (Click Here)
- NOOK Color Click here
- NOOK Tablet Click here
- NOOK HD Click here
- NOOK HD+ Click here
- NOOK Simple Touch Click here
- NOOK Simple Touch w/GlowLight Click here
- NOOK GlowLight Click here
Determining the Version Number of Your Current NOOK Software
To manually install the update please follow the steps below.
1. Power on your NOOK device and connect it to your computer via USB cable. Once connected, open My Computer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) to locate and confirm the connected device named MyNOOK.
2. From your computer, locate your device below and click the Download link for the required software update file. If prompted, select Save As and select the MyNOOK device referenced in Step 1, and click Save. If you did not receive a prompt, check your browser download history to locate the file and copy it into the MyNOOK folder.
- Do not download or save multiple copies/versions of the file to your PC or NOOK Device. This will cause the update to fail
- Do not modify or change the downloaded file's name in any way.
- Do not try to open the file as this will only result in an error.
- Do not create a new folder on the MyNOOK device or add the file to any other existing folder.
4. Your NOOK will automatically recognize the file after a few minutes when it goes into sleep mode, and proceed to install the updates. Once the installation is completed, your NOOK will automatically restart and go to the Lock screen.
Note: We recommend that your NOOK Battery is charged at 20% or more. Do not turn off your NOOK during the installation process.
Congratulations, your NOOK has been updated! If you need additional help, click here to contact Customer Service.