To reset your and/or NOOK account password:
1. Click "My Account" at the top of and then click "Sign In".
2. Click the Forgot your password? link below the Password field. Enter your email address in the window that appears.
You will be provided with two options:
1. Answer a security question
- This is a question and answer you would have previously set up. If you did not set one up, the option will not be provided
- Answering the security question will allow you to reset your password without having to wait for a link to be sent to your email
2. Receive a password reset link to the email address you provided.
- The reset link expires after 24 hours, or once it is used to reset your password. You will not be able to receive another password reset email until the link expires.
Your new password must adhere to the following rules:
- Must be 8-15 characters
- Contain at least one capital letter
- Contain at least one number
- Be different than your username or any previous passwords
Once you reset your password, you will receive an email confirmation that a change was made to your account.
Password reset emails are sent from Add this email address to your Contacts list to ensure that it is not redirected by any spam/junk filters.
If you are having difficulty receiving other emails from Barnes & Noble, click here to review some potential causes.