The first time you use your NOOK, you’ll need to go through a short set-up process that will take about 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure that you’re in an area that has a Wi-Fi® connection (a wireless connection to the Internet), because part of the process is registering your NOOK with your Barnes & Noble account on
NOTE: You will not be able to set up your NOOK without a Wi-Fi connection.
In the set-up process, you will do the following:
- Turn on your NOOK by pressing the power button on the left edge of the device.
- Set the time zone.
- Connect to a Wi-Fi network.
- Accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Register your NOOK to a Barnes & Noble account.
NOTE: If you don’t already have a Barnes & Noble account, you’ll have an opportunity to create one during the registration step.