At Barnes & Noble, we want to be sure our vendors get their books and other products on sale in our stores and online as quickly as possible. The policies and guidelines in this section, developed according to voluntary industry standards prepared by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), cover the steps from initial bar coding through routing of incoming freight. And, through our Efficient Receipts Program, we monitor and report to our vendors about their compliance with our specifications.
Business Procedures for Supplying Books (141 kb)
Business Procedures for Supporting the Specialty Departments (286 kb)
Business Procedures for Supplying Bargain Books and Products (64 kb)
How to Mark Your Products (131 kb)
How to Mark Your Cartons (875 kb)
How to Prepare Your Product Data (45 kb)
How to Mark Your Pallets (64 kb)
Domestic Routing Guide (306 kb)
Import Shipping and Routing Guide (547 kb)
Efficient Receipts Program (77 kb)
SAN List and Distribution Center Addresses (80 kb)
Vendor and Product Compliance Requirements
DC and Store Refused Returns Procedures
Children's Product Certification (74 kb)
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