The Highlights and Notes feature on NOOK Color allows you to mark a specific word or section or text and highlight for later use or add a personal note. This article describes the process of creating a note or highlight, modifying and removing a note or highlight, and locating your notes and highlights after they have been created.
Creating Highlights and Notes
1. Open your eBook and determine where you would like to begin your highlight.
2. Press and hold on the first word of the section you would like to highlight until the word appears magnified above the text. You can drag your finger around to select a different word at this time to begin your highlighting from.
3. You can now tap the blue lines at the end of the word and drag them up, down, left, and right to highlight additional words. Once you have highlighted your desired text simply let go. If you tap outside of the section it will cancel your highlight and you will have to begin again.
4. You can now tap Highlight to highlight the text only.
5. If you would like to add a note tap Add Note.
6. When the pop screen appears, type your note in the appropriate field and tap Post when finished. Please note: there is a 512 character maximum for each note.
7. Once the note is completed, the text will automatically become highlighted and a note icon will be displayed next to the highlighted word or paragraph.
Modifying a Note or Highlighted Section
1. After you have created a note or highlighted a word or section, tap the highlight to bring up a small menu.
2. From this menu you can change the color of the highlight by tapping one of the available colors.
3. You will also have the option to view the note, edit the note, remove the note, or remove the highlight. (Please note if you remove a highlight on a section with a note, it will also remove the note).
To View a List of Notes & Highlights You Created for an eBook
1. Quickly tap anywhere in the middle section of your eBook’s page. (Tapping the sides will cause the eBook page to change)
2. The blue Navigation Bar should appear at the bottom of your screen, tap Content.
3. Tap the Notes and Highlights tab.
a. This tab will display a preview of the highlighted section for each highlight or note created. You can also see what time the highlight or note was last edited and what page the highlight or note is on.
i. At the bottom of this tab you will have the option to delete all notes and highlights by tapping Clear All.
ii. You can also set your NOOK Color to hide notes and highlights by tapping the Show Notes & Highlights switch to Off.
4. Tap the note or highlight you would like to view, and you will be automatically brought to the corresponding page.