NOOK Color supports the following file formats:
eBooks: ePub (B&N DRM, Adobe DRM, and non-DRM files)
Other documents: PDF, TXT
Microsoft Office documents: DOC, DOCM, DOCX, XLS, XLSM, XLX, PPT, PPS, PPTM, PPSX, PPSM, PPTX
Music: MP3, MP4, WAV, AAC, MIDI, OGG, 3GP, AMR
Videos: MP4, 3GP, 3G2, M4V, MPEG-4 Simple Profile up to 854x480, H.263 up to 352x288, and H.264 Baseline profile up to 854x480
Pictures/Images: JPEG (JPG), GIF, PNG, BMP
EPUB & PagePerfect™ eBooks are the standard format for eBooks in the Barnes & Noble online store. NOOK Color supports ePub and PDF formatted books.
NOOK Tablet supports the following file formats: Other documents: PDF, TXT Pictures/Images: JPEG (JPG), GIF, PNG, BMP |
EPUB & PagePerfect™ eBooks are the standard format for eBooks in the Barnes & Noble online store. NOOK Tablet supports ePub, CBZ and PDF formatted books.