NOOK for Web allows you to read eBooks and samples from your web browser on your computer.
To access NOOK for Web, click here to navigate to your NOOK Library on You may be asked to sign in to your account. Click on the title or book cover of the book that you want to open.
At this time, NOOK for Web is only available for use with a desktop or laptop computer with the following Web browsers:
• Microsoft Edge
• Chrome
• Firefox
• Safari
• Microsoft Edge
• Chrome
• Firefox
• Safari
To verify your eBook's compatibility with NOOK for Web, look for the arrow on the folded up corner of the cover image. This indicates that the eBook is compatible with the site's web reader.
Additionally, if you download a free sample of the eBook and are unable to open it in the web reader from your Digital Library, this will indicate that the title is not compatible with NOOK for Web.
NOOK for Web is available for most eBooks whose publishers permit distribution on the Web.
NOOK for Web is not currently available for magazines, newspapers, NOOK Kids books, and PDFs.
To turn a page in NOOK for Web, click on the arrow on left or right edge of the browser window or the edge or the screen in full screen mode. You can also turn the page by scrolling using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
To move quickly through a book, scroll through your book until you reach your desired location. You can also click on the Table of Contents icon in the top right corner to select a chapter/section.
To change the font, size of text, or layout of the book you're reading in NOOK for Web:
1. Click on the "Aa" icon in the top right corner.
2. Customize your reading experience by making selections in each option.
1. Click on the "Aa" icon in the top right corner.
2. Customize your reading experience by making selections in each option.
Highlighting, adding notes, Find in Book, bookmarks, and annotation features are not currently available on NOOK for Web.