The Factory Screen (Device Info Page) on NOOK Simple Touch displays information including the MAC address, Serial Number, Battery Charge Level, and software version of NOOK Simple Touch.
The Factory Screen can be accessed in two ways. Method 1 allows you to access the Factory Screen from the first page of Setup and Registration. Method 2 enables you to access the Factory Screen if you receive a Network Error when attempting to connect to a Wi-Fi Hotspot.
If you fail to access the Factory Screen using the following methods and you cannot return to the first screen to try again, perform a Soft Reset by powering off and then powering back on your device. When your device powers back on, you will be returned to the first page of Setup and Registration.
Method 1 - Use this method when you are at the first screen of Setup and Registration:
1. Press and hold the bottom-right button and then tap Next.
2. Device Info appears in the top left corner of your NOOK's screen.
3. Tap Device Info to open the Device Info page.
Method 2 - Use this method if you receive a Network Error during Setup and Registration:
1. Press and hold the bottom-right button and tap Continue.
2. Device Info appears in the top left corner of your NOOK's screen.
3. Tap the Device Info button to open the Device Info page.
Exiting the Factory Screen (Device Info Page) - When you have finished viewing the Device Info page, you can exit the page by pressing either:
. Back Arrow on the top left of the page. This will return you to the previous screen.
. Power Off.
Tapping Reset will perform a Hard Reset for your device.