Barnes & Noble NOOK App for Android users can sign in to the application with their Barnes & Noble account e-mail address to access their NOOK Library. This article lists steps to follow for signing in to NOOK for Android.
Signing In to the App
- After you have downloaded and installed NOOK for Android, open your device's App Drawer and select the Barnes & Noble NOOK App for Android application.
- When the app loads, tap Sign In to sign in to your existing Barnes & Noble account. If you have not created a Barnes & Noble account before, you can create a new account by tapping Get Started.
- On the Sign In page, enter the e-mail address and password associated with your Barnes & Noble account. When you are finished tap sign in. If you tapped get started to create a new account, you will be brought to the sign up form.
- You will be required to enter a valid e-mail address, password, first name, and last name.
- After entering your personal information in, select a security question (to be used if you forget your password) and enter the appropriate answer.
c. When you are finished, tap Create Account.
- Once you have signed into your existing account, or you have created a new account, you will be able to access your NOOK Library.
Signing Out of the App
- Tap Profile in the bottom right corner on the navigation bar.
- Tap "Sign Out" at the bottom of the screen
- Tap "Sign Out" again on the confirmation box that appears.