When shopping on bn.com, you may receive an error message stating "Geographic Constraint". This usually occurs if your IP address needs to be refreshed.
If you encounter this error proceed with the following to try and resolve the issue:
1. First, try waiting for a bit, then attempt your action again. After a certain amount of time (depending on your network's configuration) the firewall may automatically unblock your IP address. This may take anywhere from one hour, to one week, or indefinitely. If you are still waiting after a couple of days, or if you can't wait, continue with the steps below.
2. Refresh your modem. Your modem may have a button to refresh the device, or it may need to be restarted. If you need assistance with how to refresh your modem contact your internet service provider (ISP).
3. If the error persists after refreshing your modem, we suggest waiting for 2-6 hours and then try your action again.
4. If the error continues after refreshing your modem and waiting for several hours contact your ISP for further assistance.
Please note: If you receive this error while being connected to a shared network, such as a workplace or school, contact your Help Desk for assistance.