Because of advancements in our eReader technology, unfortunately we are unable to continue to support the NOOK 1st Edition. The current encryption methods used by a majority of eCommerce websites for securing personal data, known as TLS 1.1, have become outdated, and are no longer considered the most secure protocols available. Barnes & Noble is upgrading to the newest version of this security measure, TLS 1.2, which is incompatible with the NOOK 1st Edition. To ensure that we can keep your information as secure as possible at all times, we can no longer allow the NOOK 1st Edition to be used for online transactions, such as eBook purchases.
As of June 29, 2018, the following functions are longer available on the NOOK 1st Edition:
Purchasing new content
Registering with a account
Signing in using a NOOK account
Please note, new content can still be purchased on or other NOOK Devices. The changes listed above are strictly limited to the NOOK 1st Edition.
After June 29, 2018, NOOK 1st Edition devices can perform the following actions only:
- Keep the device registered to the account that was signed in before June 29, 2018
- Read content that was downloaded prior to June 29, 2018
- Sideload non-BN content (3rd party ePub, PDF, PDB files) to read on the device
- Connect to available Wi-Fi networks
Wi-Fi will only allow you to use the web browser on NOOK 1st Edition
Content downloads will not be available
Connecting to Wi-Fi | Locating Serial Number | Performing a Hard Reset |
Factory Fallback | Charging | Removing Back Cover |
Installing/Removing SD Card | Sideloading Content | Disconnecting from a Computer |
On your NOOK, your serial number is listed on the Settings Page under Device Information. Or, you can remove the gray back cover of your NOOK by using the tab near the USB port. Your serial number will be printed on the device by the USB port.
Performing a Hard Reset
A hard reset is a more aggressive way of turning off your NOOK 1st Edition. It is not resetting your NOOK to factory settings.
A hard reset turns your NOOK off. It also clears some state information. No content or metadata is deleted. You should generally not need to perform a hard reset of your NOOK.
To perform a hard reset:
1. Get a clock or watch that shows seconds.
2. Press and hold the power button of your NOOK for 20 seconds, then release the power button.
3. Press and release the power button to turn on your NOOK.
If you remove the battery and leave it out for 10 seconds, put it back in, and then turn on your NOOK, your NOOK also performs a hard reset.
Initiating a Factory Fallback (also known as Hard Reset or Master Clear) will reinstall the firmware on NOOK and reset it to factory settings. After performing a Factory Fallback, all sideloaded and personalized content (screen savers, Non DRM eBooks, etc…), and any Wishlists created on the device will be erased.
IMPORTANT: Performing a Factory Fallback will permanently unregister a NOOK 1st Edition, as it can no longer be registered again due to the Support Discontinuation.
To perform a Factory Fallback
NOTE: The device must have 20% or more battery life before beginning the procedure to ensure that the device is responsive for the entire reset.
1. Ensure your NOOK has been turned off by pressing the power button for 5-10 seconds.
2. Hold the NOOK's power button 6 consecutive times for twenty seconds, releasing the button after each 20 second interval.
3. Each successful power-off cycle will cause the E-Ink screen to flash black approximately 6 seconds into the 20 second cycle.
4. After all 6 cycles are complete, power on NOOK by tapping the power button.
5. Upon power up you will see “Installing Software Update” on the E-Ink Display.
6. A progress bar will be displayed on the LCD. The process should take about 3 minutes.
7. Your NOOK should now be back to the original factory condition (1.7 for NOOK 3G, 1.7 for NOOK Wi-Fi).
The back cover is designed to attach securely. To remove the back cover:
2. Locate the tab protruding from near the center of the bottom of the back cover, adjacent to the USB port.
3. Place a finger of your other hand on the tab and pull the tab away from the device. The back cover will start to separate from your NOOK. The tab will move away from your NOOK, as will one or both of the adjacent corners of the back cover. As the back cover separates from your NOOK, you will hear unsnapping sounds.
4. Separate the other adjacent corner if it did not already separate.
1. Place your NOOK face down with the bottom facing you on a hard, flat surface, for example on a table or desk.
2. Line up the bottom of the cover with the bottom of your NOOK.
3. Moving your hands up the edges of the back cover (where the raised parts of the back are), press down gently in the places shown. You should hear snapping sounds.
NOTE: Do not press on the middle of the back cover or bend your NOOK. Doing so might damage the screens.
To access the Micro-SD Card slot, you will have to remove the back cover. The Micro-SD Card slot is located under the metal cover next to the battery.
To install your SD Card:
- Unlock the metal cover by inserting your finger in the slot in the middle of the cover and pushing the cover toward the top of your NOOK.
- With the contacts on the microSD card facing down and lined up with the contacts in the holder, drop the microSD card into place. The microSD card should fit snugly.
- With your finger, close the metal cover until it lies flat. The gate should click once it is locked into place. Do not force it.
NOOK 1st Edition supports MicroSD and MicroSDHC cards with a storage capacity of up to 16GB; class 2, 4, and 6 cards are supported.
You can read other compatible eBooks on your NOOK by placing them in your My Documents folder using the USB connection to your computer. The following types of files can be sideloaded.
• Document Files such as .ePub (including Non DRM or Adobe DRM), .PDB, and .PDF
• Audio Files such as .MP3, .OGG, and .WAV
• Image Files such as .JPG or (JPEG), .GIF, .PNG, and .BMP
2. If you are using a Windows PC, click Start, then go to My Computer or Computer and open the NOOK folder. If you are using a Mac, double click the icon on your desktop labeled NOOK to open the folder.
3. Open My Documents inside of your NOOK directory.
4. Drag and drop the file from the download folder on your PC to the My Documents folder on your NOOK.
5. Once the file transfer is completed, go back to My Computer, right click on the NOOK drive and select Eject to safely remove your device from your computer. If you are using a Mac, simply drag and drop the NOOK drive icon to the Trash Bin.
Make sure to disconnect your NOOK 1st Edition from the computer correctly by using the Eject (in Windows: right click on the NOOK drive in My Computer and select Eject) or Unmount (Linux) command on the NOOK drive on your computer.