After placing an order, it may appear that you were charged twice for your order. Most likely, this is an authorization from your card issuer, and any held funds will be released back to you shortly.
Why do we use Authorization?
To guarantee the funds are available for the transaction (A standard industry practice)
What is an Authorization?
A temporary hold placed on your card for the full amount of the order. The temporary authorization will disappear automatically within a few days. The exact time frames differ by card issuer.
Once the order ships, you will see the amount of the shipment charged to your card – at this point the money has been taken from your account. If your order is shipped in multiple packages, you will see multiple charges, but they will all add up to the total amount of your order.
Once the order ships, you will see the amount of the shipment charged to your card – at this point the money has been taken from your account. If your order is shipped in multiple packages, you will see multiple charges, but they will all add up to the total amount of your order.
How Authorizations work for Pre-Orders
When you submit an order for a pre-order item, your credit/debit card will be authorized for the full amount. Depending on the release date of the item, the authorization may drop off. Times may vary when the hold is removed based on your card issuer.
When the inventory becomes available for the item, we will do another authorization for the full amount to release the order for processing.
Gift Card Authorizations
B&N Gift Card payment authorization holds last for 24 hours, except when used to pay for pre-ordered items. When Gift Cards are used to pay for pre-ordered items, the authorization hold remains on the funds until the item is shipped or downloaded, at which point the funds are deducted from the Gift Card. If the order is cancelled before the item ships or is downloaded, the authorization hold is released, and the funds return to Gift Card.