If you need to update the payment method used for your Membership renewal, we ask that you update your payment using these steps:
- Sign into your account at bn.com
- Under "Hi, (Your Name)" in the top right corner, select "Manage Account"
- Scroll to the "Memberships" section, and click "Manage Membership & Rewards"
- Click “Edit Member Details" in the Your B&N Premium Membership field
- In the Automatic Renewal Settings section, click "Edit Payment Methods” or “Add Payment Method”
- Enter your updated payment information and click "Save Changes"
- Your new payment method now will be applied to your next Automatic Renewal.
If you have received a notice from us that we are unable to bill you for your Membership, follow these steps to update your saved payment method.
If you enroll in Membership at a Paper Source store, you will have to create a bn.com account to manage your Membership, as Membership is not currently available on papersource.com.