If you no longer wish to participate in Premium Membership, the following options are available to you:
Opt out of Automatic Renewal Cancel your Membership account
Opting out of Automatic Renewal allows you to continue to use your Premium Membership until the term expires, and you will not be billed for any future terms unless you choose to renew on your own. Once a Premium Membership expires, it is automatically converted to a free Rewards Membership account and retains all stamps and rewards earned with your Premium Membership.
Cancelling your Premium Membership will deactivate your Membership so that it can no longer be used and forfeits any available stamps and rewards associated with the Membership.
You can opt-out of automatic renewal of your Premium Membership at any time prior to the date you are charged for renewal. The automatic renewal is applied approximately one month before your Membership expires.
You can opt out of Automatic Renewal by:
1. Clicking here to submit an Opt Out Request. You will be notified by email once your opt out is completed. Or, scroll down for instructions on opting out through your bn.com account.
2. Opting out through your bn.com account
To opt-out of automatic renewal in your bn.com account:
Please note: Your Membership must be saved to your bn.com account before proceeding with the steps listed below. For details on how to register your Membership to your account, click here.
- Access the Manage Your Membership page by clicking here (you may need to sign in to your account)
- In the Your Premium Membership box next to Auto Renew On, click Edit
- Scroll down to the Auto-Renewal section and deselect the Auto-Renew slider
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes
It may take up to one business day for the updated status to be reflected in your bn.com account.
Please note: A confirmation email will be sent whenever your account is updated to notify you that changes have been made.
3. Contacting Member Services for assistance by clicking here.
If you wish to cancel your Membership and receive a full refund for the Membership fee, both of the following criteria must be met:
- The Membership must be cancelled within 30 days of the start of your current Membership AND
- Cannot have been used to obtain an eligible discount or benefit.
Refunds are not available if either of these criteria are not met.
If you do meet the above qualifications for a refund, you may cancel your Membership and request a refund via one of the following options:
- Present your Member card at a Customer Service desk, if your Membership (new or renewed) was purchased at a Barnes & Noble or Paper Source store.
- Contacting Member Services for assistance by clicking here.
Click here to review the complete Membership Terms and Conditions.